Sing Along: Crossword
Amateur Home Recording Setup used to record DANGER. Lubbock, 26th st., 2008.
"Crossword" was written some time in either 2008 or 2009. This song is heavily influenced by MGMT's sound on "Time to Pretend." The song originally featured an electric guitar playing what is now the distorted bass riff. It sounded way too thin with guitar and the beat didn't have any "punch" or direction.
I decided to mess around with taking out the electric guitar, distorting the bass, adding a slight touch of stereo delay to the drum beat, and a wicked keyboard theme/solo and then caking on layers of vocals to try and achieve a fun, indie type of sound with a drum track.
The distorted bass did wonders and is something I recommend when dealing with a riff or melody that sounds thin on electric guitar.
The vocals are a little different than any other song as well. On Danger as a whole I stepped back and tried to think about the limits of what I was doing and make it sound as good and exciting as possible within those limits. Singing loud, singing soft, singing high and low, singing with a funny voice and then completely sober--I wanted to get a little bit of everything. This was a tune I decided to "sing whisper" and then layer tracks to get a big, unique vocals sound. The lyrics are a little saccharine, but the melody and instrumental themes are pretty fun (I hope) for the listener. I had a dream of doing a video for the tune of a single take in the neighborhood and house I lived in when I was in school. In a lot of ways this is a very representative DANGER INVITES RESCUE song. It sounds like a song recorded joyfully by oneself in the quiet, dark comfort of an amateur home studio.